the traveling
Holocaust Education Exhibit

Traveling Holocaust Education Exhibit

The Traveling Holocaust Education Exhibit by ACHEF stands as a compelling and meaningful resource. It serves to convey the history of antisemitism, contemporary antisemitism, and the Holocaust in a way that reflects our unwavering dedication to education, remembrance, and nurturing empathy.

History and Purpose:

Our Traveling Holocaust Exhibit has a rich history rooted in the profound desire to educate and raise awareness. It has evolved over the years to become a powerful tool for teaching and reflection. The exhibit’s purpose is twofold: to educate audiences of all ages about the Holocaust’s historical context and its contemporary significance, and to humanize the experiences of those affected by this dark chapter in history.

Participants attending the exhibit are provided with a booklet that contains personal accounts of individuals who either survived or tragically perished during the Holocaust. These personal narratives offer a window into the lives of those who experienced this period, fostering a deeper connection to the history and a more profound sense of empathy.


The impact of our Traveling Holocaust Exhibit is immeasurable. It has reached schools, communities, and institutions across Atlantic Canada, touching the lives of countless individuals. Through detailed thought-provoking displays, and personal stories, participants are guided through the exhibit. The exhibit’s aim is not only to inform but also to inspire reflection and dialogue, ensuring that the lessons of the past are carried forward to shape a more just and compassionate future.

© 2024 ACEF (Atlantic Canada Holocaust Education Foundation) All Rights Reserved.
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