ACHEF's mission & mandate

Our Mission:

ACHEF is dedicated to promoting Holocaust education and combating antisemitism. Our mission is to bridge the gap between historical awareness and contemporary relevance by engaging communities across the region through our travelling education exhibit. We strive to foster empathy, understanding, unity, and a steadfast commitment to combating antisemitism, Holocaust distortion, and denial, ultimately contributing to a more tolerant, inclusive, and just society. 


1. Education and Awareness:

ACHEF is committed to educating the public and students about the Holocaust, hate crimes, Holocaust denial, and antisemitism.

This includes comprehensive educational resources, promoting empathy, tolerance, and countering hate and discrimination.

2. Preserving Historical Lessons:

ACHEF aims to preserve historical lessons through curated materials, survivor testimonies, and commemorative events.

These efforts serve as a reminder of the past and the consequences of indifference.

3. Promoting Social Justice and Combating Antisemitism

ACHEF actively promotes social justice, inclusivity, and combats antisemitism.

It inspires dialogue, empathy, and encourages individuals to defend democratic values, human rights, and equality.

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